Recording of January 21 service now available

With your help, we have made history!

The Anabaptism at 500 suite has been fully funded.

$1.5 of $1.5 million raised


There are ongoing expenses to the production and distribution of these important resources. Continued gifts designated to Anabaptism at 500 will be accepted and applied to the important work of continuing to nurture Anabaptist faith as we mark this milestone.

The anabaptist community bible is now shipping

Click the link below to place your order!

On January 21, 1525, a small group of Christians secretly gathered in Zurich for a worship service. There they renounced their baptism as infants and experienced voluntary baptism as adults, now in the full understanding that this decision implied a transformation of life in the way of Jesus. For many, this decision led to imprisonment, torture, and even death. But this gathering also marked the beginning of the Anabaptist movement that continues today in the form of the Amish, Hutterites, Mennonites, Church of the Brethren, and many other related groups. 


Finding Ourselves in God’s Story

Exploring Christian Faith and Life by Michele Hershberger Why is the church so important to God? What’s really going on in the Bible? How can I make sense of my life? Finding Ourselves in God’s Story invites readers to join a

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Radicals and Reformers

A Survey of Global Anabaptist History by Troy Osborne With Bibles and baptism, a movement was born.  From renegade gatherings of Christian believers in the 1500s to a global communion of more than 2.1 million members, the Anabaptist-Mennonite movement has

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A Light to Share

Stories of Spreading Love and Changing the World by Natalie Frisk, illustrated by María Diaz Perera Share your light with the world.Hey. Hey you! Yes, you! I’ve got a question for you:Have you ever gotten a really great present from

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Anabaptism at 500—A Unique Opportunity to Celebrate and Dream

Five centuries ago a group of young people, inspired by the teachings of Christ, launched a renewal movement whose central themes are still relevant today. The 500th anniversary of the Anabaptist movement offers the church a unique opportunity to reflect on the past, to celebrate God’s ongoing faithfulness, and to dream about the future.

As our world continues to evolve and change, the church needs to offer creative, imaginative resources that invite people to faith and inspire courageous discipleship.

MennoMedia’s vision is to lead the way in helping North American Anabaptist Christians experience spiritual renewal by creating fresh, forward-looking resources for Anabaptism’s quincentenary celebration.

The resources generated by Anabaptism at 500 will offer spiritual inspiration, connection, education, and an invitation of renewal to the Anabaptist community and the broader Christian church.


Development of the Anabaptist Community Bible and Anabaptist app along with other products will cost $1.5 million before sales are raised. This includes expenses for a project director, managing editor, various contract editors, and volunteer committees working with the editors over three years.

Your generous support will ensure the project becomes a reality and that the print and digital resources in this project are affordably priced.


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