
More information

We have collected some of the most frequently asked questions and their answers at the link above.

Click the link above to read about the origins and history of the Anabaptism at 500 project.

Click the link above to view interior pages from the Anabaptist Community Bible.

Helps for Churches

The Anabaptism at 500 Tool Kit was designed for churches, conferences, historical societies, and schools. It provides a rich set of free resources to help you plan your 500th anniversary celebration.

Bulk preorders for the Anabaptist Community Bible are encouraged! Click the link above for more information.

Orders of more than 12 copies (total—of any edition) should contact our Customer Service team or (return the forms at the link above by mail) to place their order.

If you would like to use the branding, please fill out the form at the link above and we will get back to you.


Click the link above for event information.

MennoMedia’s Anabaptism at 500 is collaborating with Mennonite World Conference in this extraordinary event as 500 voices will join together to read through the entire Bible–from Genesis to Revelation–in multiple languages!